Antje Peters

Scientist (she/her)


Education and scientific activities

I studied physics and computer science at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. I undertook research stays at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Arizona (USA). In 2017, I gained my PhD in theoretical physics (Lattice Gauge Theory). I conducted postdoctoral research in theoretical physics and human genetics.

Currently, I am a postdoc at the Institute of Medical Psychology and Systems Neuroscience in Münster, where I investigate neural correlates of consciousness and neural correlates of social feedback with EEG and fMRI. I am the head of the research group Transient and sustained neural mechanisms of conscious perception .

Since November 2024 I am a medical doctor with special interest in neurology.


Find my physics publications at INSPIRE HEP and my neuroscience publications at PubMed. My PhD thesis in physics (Investigation of four-quark systems by means of Lattice QCD), my Master's thesis in physics (Determination of LambdaMSbar from the static quark-antiquark potential in momentum space) as well as my Bachelor's theses in physics (Baryonische Zweikörperzerfälle im erweiterten Linearen Sigma-Modell) and computer science (Das Aufzählungsproblem für Anfragen erster Stufe auf Strukturen von beschränktem Grad).

You can read my chapter about Artificial intelligence in clinical decision-making for diagnosis of cardiovascular disease in a book about Epigenetics in Cardiovascular Disease, edited by Yvan Devaux and Emma Robinson (ISBN: 9780128222584).

Awards and scholarships



For further contact details see my university website.